How To Save $10,000 In A Year On Any Income

how to save $10,000 in a year on any income

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, wondering if you will ever be able to save up for a down payment or a dream vacation? You’re not alone.

According to Forbes, the majority of Americans couldn’t cover a $1,000 surprise expense.

Fortunately, it is possible to turn your finances around. And no, we’re not talking about get-rich-quick schemes or moving to Tibet to live like a monk.

Even though it might seem like a long shot, anyone with the right plan can learn how to save $10,000 in a year.

Make no mistake — it won’t be easy. It will take dedication and focus to save such a significant sum. But just imagine the freedom you will feel when you see those five figures in your bank account.

To discover how you can save a whopping $10,000 in just one year, follow the simple strategies below. These tips will help you break free from your financial constraints and start building the future you want, regardless of your income level.

Is It Really Possible To Save $10,000 In A Year?

To better understand if this lofty goal is possible, let’s first break it down into smaller milestones.

To reach $10,000 in a year, you will need to save:

  • $833.33 per month,
  • $192.31 per week, or
  • $27.40 a day.

Now doesn’t that feel much more manageable?

So, in short, yes! It is possible to save $10,000 in a year. But if you are committed to this goal, the most important question is not how can you do it. Instead, it should be: Why do you want to?

Take a moment to consider what you want to save ten grand for. Then, write this reason down in a location you can refer back to frequently. Perhaps a whiteboard, a journal, or even your phone’s background photo.

This will be your motivation. It will be the driving force behind your financial decisions and it will keep you on track when things get tough.

How To Save $10,000 In A Year

There are a handful of levers you can pull to reach your annual savings goal. Here are 8 ways you can save money to hit the 5-figure mark:

1) Review Your Budget

You can’t save $10,000 in a year if you don’t know where your money is going. So the first step is to review your budget.

If you don’t have one yet, a great place to start is the 30-30-30-10 budget. This system will cut your spending into distinct categories, like needs versus wants. At a glance, you will be able to see how your money gets spent and where you can cut back.

And after summarizing your income and expenses, you should be able to come up with a reasonable monthly savings goal.

To start, consider directing all of your income to a primary checking account. Next, set up a regular automatic transfer to a high-yield savings account at a different institution.

Pro tip: Don’t download the app. Without easy access, you will reduce any temptation to spend these savings.

2) Cut Your Expenses

Now, go through each of your expenses and see what you can cut. Remember, you won’t reach your goal if you don’t make any changes. So be brutally honest as you go through your budget with a fine tooth comb.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I need this expense? If the answer is no, get rid of it.
  • Can I change providers? Many times just by checking online, you can find lower-cost options for the same services.
  • Can I negotiate a better rate? If you don’t want to change providers, simply ask for a better rate. Tell them that you have been a loyal customer, but you are now shopping around and comparing prices. You’d be surprised how often this approach results in a lower rate!

If this process sounds laborious, give Trim a try. This handy app identifies unused subscriptions and helps with the cancellation and negotiation processes. Sign-up is free, and you only pay if they save you money!

Food Costs

Did you know that the average family spends over $3,000 per year dining out? If you can cut that in half, you would save $1,500 just like that.

So rather than getting dinner out at an expensive restaurant, choose a lower-cost alternative. Or go for lunch instead. Better yet, dine in as often as you can. 

To make cooking fun, turn each meal into a potluck. When everyone contributes something, everyday meals become fun family events. Plus, you will slowly learn new recipes and cooking techniques that you can use in the future. You might even enjoy a trip around the world (from the comfort of your home) by hosting themed meals.

Cable and Subscriptions

The average cable bill is over $200 a month, making this expense a prime target to save money. Most cable companies bundle multiple subscriptions, so review your statement and see what you can cut.

Or, cut the cord entirely with one of the many free TV streaming services, like Amazon Freevee or Pluto TV. And if you want a more premium subscription option, consider joining Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu. These content providers offer thousands of movies and shows for a fraction of the cost.

With a few quick changes, you could easily save an extra $1,200 per year here.

Pro tip: Cycle between streaming providers every few months. This will provide maximum savings without sacrificing entertainment. In other words, you could use Netflix from January to April, Hulu from May to August, and Max from September to December. This reduces your streaming budget to less than $20 per month.

Cell Phone

Are you paying for services you don’t need? If so, ditch the unlimited talk, text, and data plan. And instead, sign up for a lower-cost pro-rated plan.

Or, switch to a discount provider, like Mint Mobile or Republic Wireless. Discount carriers act as middlemen, buying large blocks of data from major carriers and then reselling them at a lower cost.

Lastly, you could create a group plan with friends and family. For example, AT&T offers 4-line plans at nearly 50% off compared to four 1-line plans.

Gas and Transportation

With the average price of a gallon of gas at $3.63, finding ways to reduce your fuel consumption can lead to significant savings.

One way to do this is to start a carpool. By sharing a ride with three of your coworkers, you can cut your commute costs by 75%. Plus, you get to start the day with great conversation.

Or, you could skip the car entirely and grab your bike. Besides saving gas, you will knock out your daily workout too!

Also, many metro areas offer excellent public transportation. So rather than fighting traffic and hunting for parking, enjoy a leisurely commute while you catch up on your reading.

And if you need to keep it, consider refinancing your car. Depending on the age of the vehicle and your original interest rate, you might be able to reduce your bill and save a few bucks each month.


Review your insurance policy and look for any unnecessary coverage. For example, you may reconsider comprehensive or collision coverage if you have an older vehicle. And a good rule of thumb is if the premium is more than 10% of the value of your car, drop the coverage.

If you have multiple policies with the same provider, ask for a bundle discount. And if you don’t, consolidate your homeowners and auto insurance to qualify for cheaper rates. Most companies offer discounts of up to 25% when you combine policies.

And always shop around. Insurance is a competitive industry. So, oftentimes if you’re armed with a better offer, you can get your current provider to lower their rate.


Drinks with coworkers, movies, event admissions, and Uber rides can add up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month. Look to these low-cost alternatives to slash your entertainment budget.

  • Host a potluck.
  • Tour a local art gallery.
  • Organize a game night.
  • Spend a day at the park.
  • Host an in-home movie night (complete with popcorn).
  • Go to the zoo or a museum. Many offer discounts or even waive fees on certain days.
  • Check your community calendar for free events, like a concert in the park or an art workshop.

Besides spending quality time with friends and loved ones, you can easily save a few hundred bucks per month with these fiscally responsible entertainment options.

3) Do A Savings Challenge

Saving $10,000 doesn’t have to be a chore. Try one of these budgeting challenges to turbocharge your savings and have some fun along the way.

The Envelope Challenge 

Take 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. You can then keep them in order or mix them up. Then, every day, draw an envelope and put the corresponding amount of money in your savings. For example, you will deposit $1 for envelope #1 and $100 for envelope 100.

After 100 days, you will have $5,050 saved. That’s more than half of your yearlong goal!

If saving $5,050 in 100 days isn’t possible, try cutting the amount each day in half. For example, instead of $3 on day three, deposit $1.50. This will still get you $2,525 in savings in just over 3 months.

Or, do a 52-week challenge instead. Take 52 envelopes and number them from 1 to 52. Once a week, draw an envelope and put the corresponding amount of money into your savings account. At the end of the year, you’ll have saved $1,378.

No Spending Days

Make one day every week a no-spend day. For example, every Wednesday you could commit yourself to not spending a dime. (Unless it’s an emergency, and no, Starbucks doesn’t count.)

On those days, put $27 into your savings. And at the end of the year, you will have an extra $1,400 waiting for you.

Monthly Spending Fasts

Another way to kickstart your savings is a spending fast. For an entire month, cut out all spending in one of your discretionary categories. You could choose dining out, shopping, entertainment, etc. 

Instead, put your budget for that category in your savings. Do this a couple of times per year, or do it every month by rotating categories. Either way, you can quickly save several thousand dollars in no time.

4) Start A Side Hustle

If you’re still coming up short, then consider a side hustle. With a new income stream, you can bridge the gap between your current savings and your goal without sacrificing as much of your current lifestyle.

On average, side hustles make $483 per month, which is more than half of your goal. Again, that’s why anyone, regardless of their income, is capable of hitting the $10,000 mark in a year.

Here are a few popular side hustle ideas:

And remember, this additional commitment doesn’t have to be permanent. You can always use it to reach your goal and then return to your regular schedule. And if the ideas above don’t get you excited, this article outlines even more ways to make an extra $1,000 a month.

5) Start Investing

Investing is the most effective way to transform your financial picture. And that’s because it leverages the magic of compounding.

However, there are two factors to consider when beginning to invest:

  • Diversification: Invest in a mix of different assets to reduce your overall risk and volatility during market downturns.
  • Risk-tolerance: No matter how great the supposed gains are, don’t invest if you can’t stomach the potential risk. Know what you are comfortable with, and stick to opportunities that fit within your risk profile.

Some great options for beginners are index ETFs, real estate, and dividend-paying stocks. By allocating even a small percentage of your net worth to these investments, you will start to see your wealth grow. This can help you hit your $10,000 savings goal and inch closer to FIRE.

6) Save Sudden Windfalls

Don’t let lifestyle inflation steer you off course. Instead, when you get a tax refund, a bonus at work, or even a $20 credit card rebate, deposit that money directly into your savings.

These sudden windfalls are one of the best ways to accomplish your goal of saving $10,000 in a year. And they don’t require the same level of sacrifice that other methods do. So be sure to take full advantage of them as they come your way!

7) Create Passive Income

Passive income is one of the most powerful ways to supercharge your savings. And that’s because even a few dollars per day will get you well on your way to saving $10,000.

The beauty of passive income is that you only have to perform the upfront work once, but you can get paid over and over again. For example, when you create a blog or a YouTube channel, you can earn money through advertising and affiliate marketing as long as people continue to engage with your content. Or, if you sell stock photos or designs online, your work can generate sales on an ongoing basis.

The opportunities are endless. So don’t be afraid to explore your options, and experiment with different ideas until you find a strategy that works for you.

8) Celebrate Your Wins

You will have a lot of wins on your way to saving $10,000! Be sure to acknowledge and celebrate them to keep yourself motivated along the way.

One idea is to reward yourself with small gifts or experiences when you hit a milestone. This could be anything from a book to a massage to a movie night. For example, every time you hit another $1,000 or $2,500 in savings, you could enjoy a night out. This should relax, rejuvenate, and recharge you to keep pushing toward the final goal.

But it’s important to remember that success is not a straight line. You will have setbacks, and there will be times when you feel like giving up. That’s why it’s important to enjoy the small wins and avoid losing any momentum.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many ways to save 10,000 dollars in a year. But you won’t get very far if you never start!

So review your budget today and see where there are opportunities to make a change. Then implement a few of these ideas to get you on the path to financial freedom.

And remember, it takes time to change habits, so be patient. Even if it takes longer than a year, the prize is more than worth the effort. Because once you’ve done it, you can do it again. And every successful leap forward is one more step toward a brighter future.

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